African Biz Insights

African Biz Insights

AI for small business insights in Africa.

10 conversations
Invest in Africa is an AI-powered platform designed by Amina ELTMALI to provide detailed advice on investing and starting businesses in Africa. The platform focuses on exploring business opportunities in various sectors, with a particular emphasis on the tech industry in Nigeria. It offers insightful guidance for entrepreneurs looking to draft business plans, secure financing options, and understand the legal requirements for setting up a business in countries like Kenya, South Africa, and Ghana. Through its interactive tools powered by Python, DALLE, and browser integration, Invest in Africa aims to be the go-to resource for anyone interested in exploring African business opportunities.

How to use

To use Invest in Africa, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the Invest in Africa website or platform.
  2. Explore the various business opportunities available in Africa.
  3. Choose a specific country or sector of interest, such as the tech sector in Nigeria.
  4. Read or watch detailed advice and insights provided by Amina ELTMALI.
  5. Access the interactive tools available, such as Python, DALLE, and browser integration, for further exploration and analysis.
  6. Utilize the platform to draft business plans, understand financing options, and learn about the legal requirements for starting a business in different African countries.


  1. Detailed advice on investing and starting businesses in Africa
  2. Focus on the tech industry in Nigeria
  3. Insights on drafting business plans for startups in Kenya
  4. Information on financing options for new ventures in South Africa
  5. Explanation of legal requirements for setting up a business in Ghana
  6. Tools powered by Python, DALLE, and browser integration for interactive exploration
  7. Guidance on African business opportunities




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to African Biz Insights, your guide to entrepreneurship in Africa.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

