

Enthusiastic agile methods guide

[Summary exceeding 500 words]

How to use

To use RetrospectiveGPT, follow these steps:
  1. Install Python and the necessary libraries such as dalle and browser.
  2. Open your preferred coding environment or text editor.
  3. Import the RetrospectiveGPT module.
  4. Create an instance of the RetrospectiveGPT class.
  5. Initialize the model and load the necessary files.
  6. Define the prompt starters to provide context for the GPT model.
  7. Use the provided welcome message to greet the user.
  8. Interact with the model by sending user inputs as prompts and receiving generated responses.
  9. Review and evaluate the suggestions or explanations provided by RetrospectiveGPT.
  10. Customize the behavior or output based on your specific requirements.


  1. Provides suggestions for new retrospective methods.
  2. Offers guidance on improving team retrospectives.
  3. Explains various creative ways to conduct retrospectives.
  4. Provides explanations and details of retrospective techniques.
  5. Has integration with Python, dalle, and browser.
  6. Written by Kulmala Mikko, an enthusiastic agile methods guide.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to explore agile retrospectives?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a new retrospective method.
  • How can I improve my team's retrospectives?
  • What's a creative way to conduct a retrospective?
  • Can you explain this retrospective technique?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

