Roast my Chat

Roast my Chat

Let me make fun of your lame chats - upload a chat screenshot to start

20 conversations
Roast my Chat is an interactive AI tool designed to analyze and rate chat conversations. It offers users an entertaining way to receive humorous feedback on their chats by uploading a screenshot. This GPT model written in Python utilizes the power of the DALLE algorithm and the capabilities of a web browser. With Roast my Chat, users can enjoy a lighthearted experience while receiving witty roasts, ratings, or replies to their conversations.

How to use

To use Roast my Chat, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Roast my Chat application online or install it on your device.
  2. Take a screenshot of a chat conversation you want to analyze and rate.
  3. Upload the chat screenshot to the Roast my Chat tool.
  4. Wait for the AI model to process the screenshot and generate the output.
  5. Review the humorous roast, rating, or reply provided by the AI model based on your chat.
  6. Share and enjoy the entertaining results with friends and colleagues.


  1. Interactive AI tool for rating, roasting, or replying to chat conversations
  2. Utilizes the power of the DALLE algorithm and Python
  3. Offers a lighthearted and entertaining experience
  4. Web-based or installable application
  5. Supports uploading chat screenshots
  6. Fast processing of screenshots to generate output
  7. Provides humorous and witty roasts, ratings, or replies
  8. Ability to share and enjoy the results with others




English (English)

Welcome message

Upload a chat screenshot and I'll rate, roast, or reply!

Prompt starters

  • Roast this chat!


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

