Learn Rust

Learn Rust

Learn Rust by Hands-on Labs and AI

20 conversations
Programming & Development
Learn Rust is an engaging and practical platform provided by labex.io. With hands-on labs and AI, this platform offers an excellent opportunity to become proficient in Rust, a powerful programming language. The comprehensive resources and interactive learning experience make it suitable for beginners as well as experienced developers. Through this platform, users can build a solid foundation in Rust and enhance their programming skills.

How to use

To get started with Learn Rust, follow these steps:
  1. Visit labex.io and create an account if you don't already have one.
  2. Explore the available resources and familiarize yourself with the Rust Skill Tree.
  3. Choose a topic or skill you want to learn and select it from the skill tree.
  4. Access the hands-on labs and AI-powered examples related to the selected skill.
  5. Follow the instructions provided in the labs to work on practical exercises and assignments.
  6. Use the browser-based tools and plugins_prototype provided by labex.io to write, compile, and test your Rust code.
  7. Engage with the LabEx community to seek guidance, discuss concepts, and share your progress.
  8. Track your progress on the platform and aim to complete the skill tree by mastering various Rust concepts and techniques.


  1. Interactive and practical learning approach
  2. Hands-on labs for practical application
  3. AI-powered examples for better understanding
  4. Comprehensive resources for learning Rust
  5. Browser-based tools and plugins_prototype for convenience
  6. Engagement with a supportive community of learners and experts
  7. Progress tracking to monitor skill development





English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Start with the first skill
  • New to LabEx
  • Rust Skill Tree
  • What is rustc in Rust


  • browser
  • plugins_prototype

