Master Video Prompt Artist

Master Video Prompt Artist

Specializes in writing video prompts

40 conversations
John Harvey is an AI video prompt creator who specializes in crafting prompts for various video genres. With his expertise, he helps artists and filmmakers in generating creative ideas for their projects. By leveraging AI technology, John's AI Video Prompt Creator provides a platform for users to describe and generate unique scenes for their videos. Whether it's a futuristic cityscape for a sci-fi film, a horror video set in an old mansion, a romantic scene at sunset, or an action-packed sequence with dynamic lighting, this tool has got you covered. With the help of advanced models like DALL·E and browser-based tools, the prompt creator offers a user-friendly experience and inspiring prompts to spark creativity. Get ready to bring your video ideas to life with John Harvey's AI Video Prompt Creator!

How to use

To use the AI Video Prompt Creator, follow these simple steps:
  1. Open the AI Video Prompt Creator website or application.
  2. Choose the genre or theme for your video prompt.
  3. Select one of the available prompt starters provided, such as a futuristic cityscape for a sci-fi video or a romantic scene prompt set at sunset.
  4. If desired, customize the prompt starter by adding specific details or requirements for your video.
  5. Click the 'Generate' button to generate a unique video prompt based on your selection.
  6. Review the generated prompt and make any necessary adjustments or additions.
  7. Copy the prompt and use it as inspiration for your video project!


  1. Generate video prompts for various genres, including sci-fi, horror, romance, and action.
  2. Access a selection of prompt starters to kickstart your creativity.
  3. Customize prompts with specific details or requirements.
  4. Utilize advanced AI models like DALL·E and browser-based tools for prompt generation.
  5. Easy-to-use interface for smooth user experience.
  6. Get inspired and enhance your video projects with unique prompts.




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to craft your AI video prompt with a global touch!

Prompt starters

  • Describe a futuristic cityscape for a sci-fi video.
  • Craft a prompt for a horror video set in an old mansion.
  • Generate a romantic scene prompt set at sunset.
  • Write a prompt for an action video with dynamic lighting.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

