Prompt Generator by JP

Prompt Generator by JP


100 conversations
GPT Prompt Generator by JP is a tool designed to provide GPT prompts for various purposes. It can be used in SEO, social media, scripting, e-commerce, writing, programming, translation, marketing, office efficiency, business management, career, finance, education, design, travel, entertainment, image and music generation, video generation, models/algorithms, medical, fitness, cooking, psychological counseling, art and design, and other professional fields. With this tool, users can easily generate prompts for their specific needs or tasks.

How to use

To use GPT Prompt Generator by JP, follow these steps:
  1. Select a relevant category from the provided list of categories.
  2. Copy the prompt starter from the 'promptStarters' field in the GPT info.
  3. Paste the prompt starter into a GPT platform of your choice.
  4. Start generating GPT prompts by modifying or adding to the copied prompt starter.
  5. Use the generated prompts for your desired purpose, such as content summarization, data analysis, Excel operations, or restaurant recommendations.


  1. Easy prompt generation for various categories and purposes
  2. Flexibility to modify or add to the generated prompts
  3. Support for multiple languages and ISO 639-1 compliant language codes
  4. Access to a wide range of professional fields and industries




Japanese (日本語 (にほんご/にっぽんご))

Prompt starters

  • PDFの内容を要約して。
  • URL先のデータ分析をお願いします。
  • Excelで特定の文字列を結合する操作が分からん!助けて!
  • 明日予約できるオススメのレストランを教えて!

