


ネーム添削GPT is an AI editor that provides detailed feedback on manga manuscripts. It assists users in improving the flow of their manga stories, characters designs, panel transitions, and impactful dialogues. This tool is highly beneficial for manga creators seeking expert guidance to enhance their work and create manga that captivates readers.

How to use

To use ネーム添削GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Prepare your manga manuscript or specific elements of your manga that you would like to receive feedback on.
  2. Access the ネーム添削GPT using a browser or python based interface.
  3. Provide the tool with your prompt by selecting from the available starters or typing your question or concern regarding your manga.
  4. Submit the prompt and wait for ネーム添削GPT to generate detailed feedback, suggestions, and improvements for your manga flow, character designs, panel transitions, and dialogues.
  5. Review the feedback provided by ネーム添削GPT and apply the suggested improvements to enhance your manga manuscript.
  6. Repeat the process for different aspects of your manga or subsequent manga manuscripts to continuously refine your work with the assistance of ネーム添削GPT.


  1. Provides detailed feedback on the flow of manga stories
  2. Offers suggestions and improvements for character designs
  3. Proposes enhanced panel transitions for a better reading experience
  4. Evaluates the impact of dialogues and suggests improvements
  5. User-friendly browser or python-based interface
  6. Can be used for multiple manga manuscripts and ongoing projects




Japanese (日本語 (にほんご/にっぽんご))

Welcome message


Prompt starters

  • 私の漫画のストーリーの流れをどう改善できますか?
  • このキャラクターデザインについてどう思いますか?
  • より良いパネル遷移を提案してもらえますか?
  • この台詞は十分にインパクトがありますか?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

