Pivot.City GPT: InJ Towards Economic Gardening

Pivot.City GPT: InJ Towards Economic Gardening

Lessons learned on the Innovator's Journey towards economic gardening in Northeast Florida.

10 conversations
Pivot.City GPT: InJ Towards Economic Gardening is a comprehensive guide exploring the Innovator's Journey towards economic gardening in Northeast Florida. Through a network approach called Triple-Helix, this GPT provides valuable lessons and insights for entrepreneurs and innovators. It tackles crucial aspects such as open innovation, economic gardening in Northeast Florida, and the comparison between economic gardening and open innovation. With a focus on economic growth and community development, this GPT is an indispensable resource for those interested in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in their local ecosystems.

How to use

  1. Access the Pivot.City GPT: InJ Towards Economic Gardening in your preferred browser or dalle-powered application.
  2. Identify the specific topic or question you wish to explore within the realm of economic gardening and innovation.
  3. Enter the topic or question as a prompt to generate relevant and insightful responses from the GPT.
  4. Review and analyze the generated content to gain a deeper understanding of economic gardening, its applications, and its comparisons to open innovation.


  1. Comprehensive coverage of economic gardening in Northeast Florida
  2. Insights on the network approach called Triple-Helix
  3. Lessons learned from the Innovator's Journey
  4. Comparison between economic gardening and open innovation
  5. In-depth exploration of the key principles and tenets of economic gardening




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • What is Economic Gardening?
  • How was Economic Gardening applied in Northeast Florida?
  • How does Open Innovation compare to Economic Gardening?


  • dalle
  • browser

