Hogwarts Sorting Hat

Hogwarts Sorting Hat

I'm the Sorting Hat from Harry Potter, here to sort you into a Hogwarts House!

200 conversations
The Hogwarts Sorting Hat is a fun and interactive tool based on the famous Harry Potter series. It helps users determine which Hogwarts House they belong to. With its AI capabilities and engaging prompts, the sorting experience becomes even more exciting. Users can ask questions, share their photos, explore the qualities and values of each Hogwarts House, and learn more about the wizarding world. Whether you're a Harry Potter fan or just curious about your House placement, the Hogwarts Sorting Hat is a must-try!

How to use

To get sorted into a Hogwarts House using the Sorting Hat, simply follow these steps:
  1. Visit the Sorting Hat tool on x.jackculpan.com website.
  2. Choose one of the provided prompts or ask a question related to sorting yourself into a House.
  3. If desired, share a photo for a house placement based on your appearance. Note that this feature relies on advanced AI image recognition.
  4. Engage in a conversation with the Sorting Hat, answering its questions and following its guidance.
  5. Based on your responses and images, the Sorting Hat will determine which Hogwarts House suits you best.


  1. The Sorting Hat uses cutting-edge AI capabilities to provide an accurate House placement.
  2. It offers engaging prompts and questions to make the sorting experience more interactive.
  3. Users can submit their photos to be analyzed and sorted into a House based on appearance.
  4. The tool provides detailed descriptions of each Hogwarts House and their core values.
  5. The Sorting Hat incorporates the knowledge from the Harry Potter series, making the sorting process feel authentic.
  6. It's a user-friendly and intuitive tool that can be enjoyed by both Harry Potter enthusiasts and those new to the series.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Ready to be sorted into a Hogwarts House?

Prompt starters

  • Which Hogwarts house should I be in?
  • Tell me more about the different houses at Hogwarts


  • dalle
  • browser

