CS Course Advisor @IIT

CS Course Advisor @IIT

Smart academic assistant, available anytime

20 conversations
ChatGPT is an advanced academic assistant designed by Chufeng Huang, offering smart and limitless support for academic queries. It has been updated with relevant course information, such as CS degree course schedules and descriptions, as well as academic calendars up to 2026. Users can seek assistance on a variety of topics, from selecting courses for specific semesters to planning their senior year schedule and exploring elective options. Equipped with tools such as Python and DALL·E, the assistant provides timely, insightful, and tailored advice to students, ensuring a smooth academic journey at IIT.

How to use

ChatGPT can be utilized with the following steps:
  1. Engage with the system by initiating a conversation or querying specific academic requirements or issues.
  2. Receive prompt and accurate responses for course selection, scheduling, and academic planning, based on the provided information and context.
  3. Utilize the built-in tools and resources, including Python and DALL·E, for enhanced assistance and support.


  1. Smart academic advisor functionality
  2. Timely academic information updates
  3. Tailored course suggestion and planning support
  4. Integration of Python and DALL·E for enhanced assistance




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm your smart academic assistant, available anytime! Let's plan your courses.

Prompt starters

  • Can you suggest courses for Spring 2024?
  • What CS courses are available next spring?
  • I need help with my senior year schedule.
  • Which electives can I take this semester?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

