

Free AI Online Dating Coach for Tinder, Bumble and other dating platforms. Improve you profile, rizz and enjoy dating even more!

100 conversations
Rizzed.app is a free AI Online Dating Coach designed to help users improve their profiles and enjoy dating on platforms like Tinder, Bumble, and more. By utilizing advanced AI technologies, Rizzed.app provides personalized advice and assistance for optimizing dating profiles and interactions. With its prompt starters and tools in Python and DALL·E, users can receive guidance on responding to messages, selecting the best main Tinder photo, generating pickup lines from bios, and transitioning from online conversations to real-life dates. The platform offers a welcoming and user-friendly experience, serving as a reliable companion for those seeking assistance in their online dating journey.

How to use

To make the most of Rizzed.app, users can follow these simple steps:
  1. Sign up or log in to the Rizzed.app platform.
  2. Choose from the prompt starters or ask specific questions related to online dating.
  3. Upload the necessary information, such as dating profiles, bios, and messages.
  4. Receive personalized feedback and guidance to optimize dating profiles and interactions.


  1. Personalized AI guidance for online dating
  2. Assistance in profile optimization and message responses
  3. Tool support in Python and DALL·E for enhanced user experience
  4. Ability to generate pickup lines from bios and select the best main Tinder photo
  5. Support in transitioning from online conversations to real-life dates




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm Rizzed.app, your AI Online Dating Coach.

Prompt starters

  • Can you review my dating profile?
  • Generate a pickup line from uploaded Bio.
  • How should I reply to this message?
  • How do I move from Tinder to a real date?
  • Help select the best performing main Tinder photo


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

