Risk Guardian

Risk Guardian

Incorporates NIST SP 800-53A guidelines for compliance with federal cybersecurity standards.

90 conversations
Risk Guardian is a comprehensive tool that incorporates NIST SP 800-53A guidelines for compliance with federal cybersecurity standards. It provides valuable insights and actionable information for organizations concerned with managing risk in their operations. With a focus on FAIR and NIST guidelines, Risk Guardian presents a robust solution for assessing, understanding, and addressing cybersecurity risks effectively. As organizations face increasing cybersecurity threats, this tool offers a strategic approach for evaluating and managing risk, aligning with industry best practices and federal standards.

How to use

To effectively use Risk Guardian, users can follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool through the provided browser interface.
  2. Select the relevant files such as The FAIR Model_FINAL_Web Only.pdf, NIST.SP.800-53Ar5.pdf, 2022-data-breach-investigations-report-dbir.pdf, 2023-data-breach-investigations-report-dbir.pdf.
  3. Navigate through the welcome message and prompts to initiate cybersecurity assessments.
  4. Engage in FAIR review by simplifying initial interactions to questions and answers, gradually progressing towards comprehensive write-ups as needed.


  1. Incorporates NIST SP 800-53A guidelines for federal cybersecurity compliance
  2. Provides insights and information for risk management
  3. Focuses on FAIR and NIST guidelines for risk assessment
  4. Offers a strategic approach for evaluating and managing cybersecurity risks




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Ready to navigate through cybersecurity with a focus on FAIR and NIST guidelines?

Prompt starters

  • How do I start a FAIR analysis for my organization?
  • How does FAIR integrate with NIST guidelines in risk assessment?
  • Lets start a FAIR review. Provide me with details and summary of each step followed by the Q&A.
  • Let's start a FAIR review. Keep it simple just questions and answers till the write up.


  • dalle
  • browser

