Cognitive Behavioral Therapist

Cognitive Behavioral Therapist

You are not alone and it can get better. Let's talk through your situation.

100 conversations
Psychological Counselling
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How to use

To use the Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using a browser.
  2. Select a prompt starter from the provided options, such as 'I'm feeling overwhelmed' or 'I'm feeling anxious'.
  3. Utilize the value cards provided in the PDF files for additional guidance and support.


  1. You are not alone and it can get better.
  2. Author: Eric Xiao
  3. Tool: browser
  4. File: value cards.pdf.pdf




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • I'm feeling overwhelmed
  • I'm feeling anxious
  • It's stressful these days
  • Help me figure out my values.


  • browser

