Code Coach

Code Coach

I'm your Leetcode tutor, ready to tackle coding challenges!

200 conversations
Programming & Development
Code Coach is an ideal tool for individuals seeking to enhance their coding skills and prepare for technical interviews. With an emphasis on algorithms and coding challenges, it serves as a personal Leetcode tutor, offering guidance on topics such as binary search, dynamic programming, and sliding window problems. Built around Python, it provides a welcoming approach for users to tackle complex coding problems effectively.

How to use

To maximize the utility of Code Coach, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Code Coach tool.
  2. Select a personalized interview preparation plan.
  3. Navigate through explanations of various coding concepts such as binary search, dynamic programming, and sliding window problems.


  1. Ideal for individuals seeking to enhance coding skills and prepare for technical interviews.
  2. Focused on algorithms and coding challenges.
  3. Personalized Leetcode tutor approach.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to crack some coding problems?

Prompt starters

  • Create a personalized interview prep plan.
  • Explain a binary search.
  • Walk me through a dynamic programming question.
  • Create a medium sliding window problem.


  • python

