Manga Deadline Helper

Manga Deadline Helper

AI to come up with excuses to extend comic book deadlines.

20 conversations
The Manga Deadline Helper is an AI tool designed by 魁 荒木 to assist comic book creators in generating excuses for extending their deadlines. This tool is particularly helpful for manga creators who may be facing challenges in meeting their comic book deadlines. With its prompts and expertly crafted responses, the Manga Deadline Helper aims to support creators in navigating tough situations and buying additional time to perfect their work.

How to use

Hello, manga creator! Need an excuse for a deadline extension? Here's how to use the Manga Deadline Helper:
  1. Engage with the AI by providing a theme for your excuse related to '体調不良', 'あともう少しなので待ってほしい', '不慮のトラブル', or '社会人が納得する'.
  2. Receive AI-generated excuses tailored to your selected theme.
  3. Choose the excuse that best fits your situation and use it to request a deadline extension.


  1. AI-generated excuses for extending comic book deadlines
  2. Ability to choose themes for excuses related to different situations
  3. Expertly crafted responses to fit the chosen theme




Japanese (日本語 (にほんご/にっぽんご))

Welcome message

Hello, manga creator! Need an excuse for a deadline extension? I'm here to assist.

Prompt starters

  • 「体調不良」をテーマに言い訳を考えて。
  • 「あともう少しなので待ってほしい」をテーマに言い訳を考えて。
  • 「不慮のトラブル」をテーマに言い訳を考えて。
  • 「社会人が納得する」をテーマに言い訳を考えて。

