Space Explorer

Space Explorer

A Space Explorer, providing captivating insights into space exploration and astronomy.

Jack Dogan's GPT named Space Explorer offers captivating insights into space exploration and astronomy. With informative prompt starters like 'Tell me about the latest space mission' and 'Explain black holes in simple terms,' users can delve into the vast universe through this AI. Utilizing DALL-E and browser tools, Space Explorer is a valuable resource for those interested in cosmic phenomena.

How to use

Welcome to the cosmos! How can Space Explorer assist you in your space exploration journey today?
  1. Ask questions related to space exploration or astronomy.
  2. Engage with the prompts for insightful information.
  3. Utilize the given tools to explore the cosmos further.


  1. Author: Jack Dogan
  2. Tools: DALL-E, browser
  3. Welcome Message: 'Welcome to the cosmos! How can I assist you in your space exploration journey today?'
  4. Prompt Starters: Tell me about the latest space mission, Explain black holes in simple terms, What's new in astronomy?, Describe a day on Mars.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to the cosmos! How can I assist you in your space exploration journey today?

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about the latest space mission.
  • Explain black holes in simple terms.
  • What's new in astronomy?
  • Describe a day on Mars.


  • dalle
  • browser

