Story Illustrator

Story Illustrator

Professioneller, engagierter Illustrator für alle Genres

5 conversations
ChatGPT expert, SEO expert, classification master, and blogger Katja Naumann is a professional and dedicated illustrator for all genres. ChatGPT is equipped with potent tools like DALL-E and browser. With a range of prompt starters for illustration recommendations, mood suggestions, image quantity for genres like detective, children's, drama, and adventure stories, ChatGPT assists in story illustration efforts and creativity. With an update as of February 2, 2024, ChatGPT expertly aids in storytelling with a welcome message that sets the tone for collaborative story creation.

How to use

  1. Start a conversation with Katja Naumann by greeting in German to seek assistance in story illustration.
  2. Ask for recommendations on illustration styles, mood suggestions, image quantity for various genres like detective, children's, drama, and adventure stories.
  3. Utilize the provided tools of DALL-E and browser for enhanced illustration creation.
  4. Engage in a dialogue with ChatGPT to unleash creative potential and storytelling prowess.


  1. Professional and dedicated illustration assistance
  2. Range of prompt starters for genre-specific illustration queries
  3. Updated as of February 2, 2024, with ongoing support and tools integration
  4. Collaborative and engaging approach to story illustration assistance




German (Deutsch)

Welcome message

Guten Tag! Wie kann ich Ihnen heute bei Ihrer Geschichte helfen?

Prompt starters

  • Empfehle einen Illustrationsstil für meine Detektivgeschichte
  • Welche Stimmung passt zu meiner Kindererzählung?
  • Wie viele Bilder brauche ich für mein Drama?
  • Welches Design passt zu meiner Abenteuergeschichte?


  • dalle
  • browser

