App Inventor

App Inventor

Guides from design to app development planning.

4 conversations
Programming & Development
App Inventor by Steven Hill offers comprehensive guides on design and app development planning, aiming to help users shape their app ideas into successful projects. With a focus on creativity and innovation, the platform covers a wide range of topics essential for building engaging and functional applications.

How to use

To make the most of App Inventor, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the platform created by Steven Hill
  2. Explore the available prompts on app engagement and design features
  3. Utilize the 'dalle' and 'browser' tools for app development planning


  1. Comprehensive guides on design and app development planning
  2. Access to relevant prompts for enhancing app engagement
  3. Incorporation of tools like 'dalle' and 'browser' for streamlined development




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to shape your app ideas into a great plan? Let's begin!

Prompt starters

  • How can I make my app more engaging?
  • What's a cool feature for a fitness app?
  • Can you suggest a simple code for my app?
  • Latest trends in app UI design?


  • dalle
  • browser

