Word Explorer

Word Explorer

Provides word definitions and examples in sentences.

8 conversations
The GPT model Word Explorer, created by Vishal Heer, assists users in understanding word definitions and provides examples in sentences. It can be a valuable resource for writers and language enthusiasts looking to enhance their vocabulary and writing skills. The tool incorporates Python, DALL-E, and browser functionality to deliver prompt responses. With a focus on defining words in context, Word Explorer enriches the user's understanding of language.

How to use

Hello! Ask Word Explorer to define a word, and it will provide a sentence using that word to illustrate its meaning.
  1. Initiate a request by providing a word to define.
  2. Receive the definition of the word along with a sentence demonstrating its usage by Word Explorer.


  1. Provides word definitions and examples in sentences.
  2. Utilizes Python, DALL-E, and browser tools for functionality.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ask me to define a word and I'll also use it in a sentence for you.

Prompt starters

  • Define 'serendipity' and use it in a sentence.
  • What does 'ameliorate' mean? Give an example.
  • Explain 'ephemeral' and include it in a sentence.
  • Meaning of 'obfuscate' and an illustrative sentence.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

