ArtGPT – The Creative Muse

ArtGPT – The Creative Muse

AI artistic assistant for creativity, tutorials, and feedback in arts and design.

ArtGPT – The Creative Muse, created by TrustyGPT, is an AI artistic assistant designed to provide creativity, tutorials, and feedback in arts and design. It offers a range of prompt starters, tools like Python and DALL-E, and welcomes users with the message 'Welcome to ArtGPT, your AI artistic companion!' The platform is centered around facilitating artistic projects, offering feedback on digital artwork, explaining painting techniques in oil, and discussing the latest trends in graphic design.

How to use

To utilize ArtGPT effectively:
  1. Access the interface and choose from prompt starters to kickstart a creative project.
  2. Interact with the AI to receive feedback on your digital artwork.
  3. Explore painting techniques in oil with the assistance of ArtGPT.
  4. Stay updated on the latest trends in graphic design through discussions facilitated by the platform.


  1. AI-powered artistic assistant for creativity and feedback in arts and design
  2. Range of prompt starters to inspire creative projects
  3. Tools including Python and DALL-E for enhanced functionality
  4. Welcome message inviting users to engage with the AI




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to ArtGPT, your AI artistic companion!

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a creative art project idea.
  • Provide feedback on my digital artwork.
  • Explain a painting technique in oil.
  • Discuss the latest trends in graphic design.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

