Step-by-Step Prompt Designer

Step-by-Step Prompt Designer

Guides users through crafting image prompts step-by-step.

10 conversations
Step-by-Step Prompt Designer is a comprehensive tool created by JEONG SEUNG CHEUL that guides users in crafting image prompts systematically. This tool is designed to assist users in visualizing and describing their desired images by following a structured process. It offers a range of features and tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser integration to enhance the prompt designing experience. With a focus on image generation and creative expression, Step-by-Step Prompt Designer caters to individuals looking to articulate their visual concepts effectively.

How to use

Let's craft your image prompt step by step.
  1. Begin by defining the main subject of your image.
  2. Describe the envisioned action or mood for the image.
  3. Select a preferred environment for the scene.
  4. Choose a style or era that aligns with your vision.
  5. Adjust lighting or color schemes to enhance the image.
  6. Envision the camera angle or composition to frame the image effectively.


  1. Guided step-by-step process for creating image prompts.
  2. Incorporation of tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser integration.
  3. Emphasis on visual storytelling and creative expression.
  4. Flexible options for customizing lighting, color schemes, and compositions.




English (English)

Welcome message

Let's craft your image prompt step by step. To start, what is the main subject of your image?

Prompt starters

  • What's the main subject of your image?
  • Describe the envisioned action or mood.
  • What environment do you prefer?
  • Select a style or era.
  • Adjust lighting or color schemes.
  • Envision the camera angle or composition.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

