

Expert in crafting seed bomb recipes with native wildflowers and sourcing seeds.

2 conversations
The SeedBomber GPT model created by Noah Siler is an expert tool for crafting seed bomb recipes filled with native wildflowers. By leveraging this innovative technology, users can design custom seed mixes tailor-made for various regions and ecosystems, making it a valuable resource for eco-conscious individuals and organizations looking to promote biodiversity and sustainability through guerrilla gardening techniques.

How to use

To effectively utilize the SeedBomber GPT model, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT model via the provided tools, which include DALL-E and a web browser.
  2. Submit queries related to seed bomb recipes or wildflower selection for specific regions.
  3. Engage with the model to generate customized seed bomb recipes that cater to the desired location and plant preferences.
  4. Explore suggestions and insights offered by the model for enhancing the ecological impact of seed bombing initiatives.


  1. Expertise in crafting seed bomb recipes with native wildflowers
  2. Capability to source seeds for eco-friendly guerrilla gardening projects
  3. Diverse prompt starters for creating region-specific seed bombs
  4. Utilization of advanced tools such as DALL-E and web browsers for enhanced user experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to create seed bomb recipes and find the best deals on seeds?

Prompt starters

  • Create a seed bomb recipe for Northern California.
  • Suggest wildflowers for a seed bomb in Texas.
  • How can I make a seed bomb with Midwest-native plants?
  • What wildflowers should I include in a New England seed bomb?


  • dalle
  • browser

