Energy Advisor

Energy Advisor

Technical energy advisor for homeowners, business operators, and energy efficiency experts.

10 conversations
The Energy Advisor GPT tool is a valuable resource for individuals seeking advice on reducing energy consumption and improving efficiency in their homes or businesses. Created by William Goodrich, a technical energy advisor, this tool offers insights and solutions for homeowners, business operators, and energy efficiency experts. With a focus on providing enlightening energy advice with a touch of humor, users can expect guidance on topics such as energy usage reduction, benefits of LED lighting, cost savings from upgrading furnaces, and calculating chilled water reset savings. The tool is equipped with a variety of prompt starters to initiate conversations and is supported by tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser integration.

How to use

To utilize the Energy Advisor GPT tool effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool by interacting with the welcome message.
  2. Choose from the prompt starters available to begin a conversation on energy-related topics.
  3. Ask questions related to reducing energy usage, LED lighting benefits, furnace upgrades, or chilled water reset savings.
  4. Explore the advice provided by the tool and engage with the content for informative insights.
  5. Utilize the available tools within the platform, such as Python, DALL-E, and browser integration, for enhanced user experience.


  1. Offers energy advice on reducing consumption and improving efficiency.
  2. Provides insights on topics like LED lighting benefits, furnace upgrades, and chilled water reset savings.
  3. Supports multiple prompt starters for initiating conversations.
  4. Equipped with tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser integration.
  5. Delivers a welcoming message with a humorous touch to engage users.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready for some enlightening energy advice with a dash of humor?

Prompt starters

  • How can I reduce energy usage in my office?
  • Can you explain the benefits of LED lighting?
  • How much can I save by upgrading my furnace?
  • What's the formula to calculate chilled water reset savings?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

