Market Maven

Market Maven

Market analysis and report summarizer

5 conversations
Market Maven is a versatile GPT tool developed by Jiangxin, specializing in market analysis and report summarization. With timely updates, Market Maven can help businesses stay ahead of trends and make informed decisions in various sectors such as tech, automotive, fashion, and healthcare. Leveraging DALL-E and browser tools, the GPT provides comprehensive insights and actionable information for users.

How to use

To maximize the utility of Market Maven, users can follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool via the provided link or platform.
  2. Select the desired prompt related to tech market trends, automotive updates, changes in the fashion sector, or healthcare advancements.
  3. Initiate the GPT to generate detailed reports and summaries based on the chosen prompt.
  4. Review and analyze the compiled information to gain valuable market insights for strategic decision-making.


  1. Specializes in market analysis and report summarization
  2. Provides updates on a range of industries including tech, automotive, fashion, and healthcare
  3. Utilizes DALL-E and browser tools for enhanced functionality




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to analyze markets and compile your report.

Prompt starters

  • Summarize tech market trends.
  • Report on automotive industry updates.
  • Detail recent changes in the fashion sector.
  • Compile a summary of healthcare advancements.


  • dalle
  • browser

