A math expert assisting in advanced topics with clear explanations.

3 conversations
Programming & Development
MathGPT is a cutting-edge AI tool created by Zachary Elders, providing expert assistance in advanced math topics. With a focus on clear explanations, MathGPT is a valuable resource for learners and professionals alike. Powered by Python and browser-based tools, MathGPT offers a wide range of capabilities to explore complex mathematical concepts. The platform welcomes users with a prompt to engage in advanced math discussions, making it suitable for students, researchers, and math enthusiasts.

How to use

To effectively use MathGPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the MathGPT platform using a compatible browser.
  2. Engage with the AI assistant by selecting from the provided prompt starters.
  3. Pose questions related to permutations, group theory, or other advanced math topics to receive clear explanations.
  4. Explore the tools and resources available on MathGPT, leveraging its capabilities for in-depth mathematical insights.


  1. Expert assistance in advanced math topics
  2. Clear explanations provided by a math expert
  3. Python and browser-based tools for optimal performance
  4. Dynamic prompt starters to initiate engaging conversations on math concepts




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to dive into some advanced math topics?

Prompt starters

  • Explain permutations
  • Explain the concept of group theory.
  • How to catalan numbers relate to random walks?


  • python
  • browser

