Book Finder

Book Finder

Friendly, eloquent book recommendation service.

2 conversations
Book Finder is a friendly and eloquent book recommendation service created by STOYAN VELIKOV. It offers a personalized experience to help users discover their next favorite book by providing tailored recommendations based on their preferences. Using advanced technology like OpenAI's DALL-E and a web browser tool, Book Finder ensures an engaging and efficient search process. The service aims to connect readers with books that match their tastes and interests, making it a valuable resource for book lovers looking to explore new literary works.

How to use

Hello from Book Finder! Let's uncover your next favorite book.
  1. Submit a prompt related to book preferences or queries.
  2. Receive personalized book recommendations based on the input.
  3. Explore suggested books and find the perfect read for you.


  1. Advanced recommendation engine for book selection
  2. Utilizes DALL-E technology for enhanced search results
  3. Interactive and user-friendly platform for exploring book options




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello from Book Finder! Let's uncover your next favorite book.

Prompt starters

  • Discover books like 'The Great Gatsby'
  • Who has a writing style similar to Toni Morrison?
  • Recommend a fantasy novel with rich lore
  • I enjoy lyrical narratives, any suggestions?


  • dalle
  • browser

