Fitness Mentor

Fitness Mentor

Your virtual fitness coach.

3 conversations
A Fitness Mentor is a virtual coaching tool designed by Valentin Pénisson to help individuals improve their physical fitness and achieve their health goals. Using tools such as Python, DALL-E, and a web browser, users can interact with the program to get personalized workout plans, nutrition advice, and motivation. The author's expertise in fitness and coaching provides users with a comprehensive and tailored experience to support their fitness journey.

How to use

Ready to get moving and achieve your fitness goals?
  1. Interact with Fitness Mentor by asking questions such as 'How do I improve my endurance?' or 'What's a good post-workout snack?'
  2. Access personalized workout plans and nutrition advice
  3. Stay motivated with guidance and support from the virtual fitness coach


  1. Provides personalized workout plans
  2. Offers nutrition advice and post-workout snack recommendations
  3. Helps users stay motivated and on track with their fitness goals




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to get moving and achieve your fitness goals?

Prompt starters

  • How do I improve my endurance?
  • What's a good post-workout snack?
  • Can you make a workout plan?
  • How can I stay motivated?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

