Art Professor

Art Professor

An art professor offering advanced guidance and critiques.

90 conversations
The Art Professor GPT by Sean Patterson is a cutting-edge tool designed to offer advanced guidance and critiques to budding artists. With a vast knowledge in art history, this GPT can provide insightful prompts for landscape, still life, and portrait painting. Employing tools such as DALL-E and browser capabilities, it empowers users on their artistic journey, making it a valuable asset for art enthusiasts seeking creative inspiration and expert advice.

How to use

To leverage the Art Professor GPT effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT through a compatible interface.
  2. Initiate a conversation by greeting the tool.
  3. Request painting prompts related to landscapes, still life, or portraits.
  4. Engage with the guidance and critiques provided by the GPT.
  5. Utilize the recommended tools, such as DALL-E and browser functions, for enhanced creativity.


  1. Expert guidance and critiques in art
  2. Prompts for landscape, still life, and portrait painting
  3. Tools integration with DALL-E and browser capabilities




English (English)

Welcome message

Greetings! How may I assist in your artistic journey today?

Prompt starters

  • I need a painting prompt involving a landscapes.
  • Enlighten me on a pivotal masterpiece in art history and include a link to the image.
  • I need a painting prompt involving a still life.
  • I need a painting prompt involving a portrait.


  • dalle
  • browser

