PC Games Price Tracker

PC Games Price Tracker

Compares PC game deals and prices, and suggests you cheaper prices across multiple stores including Steam, GreenManGaming, Fanatical, and many others.

2 conversations
PC Games Price Tracker is a valuable tool that compares PC game deals and prices across multiple stores like Steam, GreenManGaming, and Fanatical, helping users find the best deals for their favorite games. It provides a cost-effective solution for gamers looking to save money on their gaming purchases.

How to use

To use PC Games Price Tracker, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the PC Games Price Tracker website.
  2. Enter the name of the game you want to find the best deal for.
  3. Explore the suggested cheaper prices from various stores.
  4. Select the best deal and make your purchase.


  1. Compares PC game deals across multiple stores.
  2. Suggests cheaper prices for games like 'Fallout,' 'Minecraft,' 'Batman,' and 'Farming' games.
  3. Updated by Jeremy Ciudad on January 27, 2024.
  4. Uses tools like DALL-E, browser, and prototype plugins for analysis.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Let's find the best game deals for you.

Prompt starters

  • Find the best deal for 'Fallout' games.
  • What's the cheapest price for 'Minecraft'?
  • Analyze prices for 'Batman' game and suggest.
  • Compare and suggest the best for 'Farming' games.


  • dalle
  • browser
  • plugins_prototype

