Dg Life Home

Dg Life Home

Assistente AI per il progetto Dg Life Home, specializzato in fornire informazioni dettagliate sulla tua nuova Casa.

30 conversations
Dg Life Home is an AI assistant project specializing in providing detailed information about your new home. With a focus on assisting users in accessing comprehensive information about their future villa, Dg Life Home offers tools such as Python and browser integration. The platform is authored by Dg Life Home srls, providing a welcoming environment for users to inquire about villa locations, internal layouts, and other information. The welcome message of Dg Life Home invites users to explore the planimetry of their future home, ensuring a seamless experience in accessing crucial information.

How to use

Benvenuto a Dg Life Home, pronto a fornirti la planimetria della tua futura villa.


    1. AI assistance specialized in providing detailed home information
    2. Tools available: Python, browser integration




    Italian (Italiano)

    Welcome message

    Benvenuto a Dg Life Home, pronto a fornirti la planimetria della tua futura villa.

    Prompt starters

    • Dove si trovano le ville?
    • Qual è la disposizione interna?
    • Vorrei avere delle immagini della villa
    • E' possibile avere la planimetria?


    • python
    • browser

