Web Finder

Web Finder

Web researcher on specific topics

ChatGPT expert, SEO expert, classification master, and blogger Alexander Maier's Web Finder is a tool designed for web researchers on specific topics offering a chat function for initiating GPT-driven investigations with a focus on topics like 'Klimawandel', 'Bitcoin', 'Artificial Intelligence', and 'Blockchain Technology'. This tool provides insights on various subjects powered by Python, DALL-E, and a browser interface, enhancing the exploration process.

How to use

Start by typing a topic of interest to begin the investigation.
  1. Enter the desired topic for exploration.
  2. Analyze the results provided by Web Finder.
  3. Utilize the Python and DALL-E functionalities for further research.
  4. Interact with the chat function to delve deeper into the selected topic.


  1. Utilizes GPT technology for comprehensive information gathering.
  2. Includes a chat interface for interactive discussions.
  3. Supports Python scripting for customization.
  4. Integrates DALL-E for image-based insights.
  5. Offers a user-friendly browser interface for seamless navigation.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! What topic shall we explore today?

Prompt starters

  • Explain 'Klimawandel'.
  • Define 'Bitcoin'.
  • Summarize 'Artificial Intelligence'.
  • Detail 'Blockchain Technology'.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

