Citation Pro

Citation Pro

🔎 📖 Identify and validate citations. Fix citation style. Find and fix hallucinated citations.

3 conversations
Citation Pro is a powerful tool developed by Zachary Flanders that helps users identify, validate, and format citations accurately in their academic or research documents. The tool is designed to ensure that citations are not only correct but also eliminate any possibility of hallucinated citations, providing users with a reliable and efficient way to manage their reference materials. By utilizing advanced algorithms and tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser extensions, Citation Pro streamlines the citation validation process and enhances the overall accuracy and credibility of academic writing.

How to use

To effectively use Citation Pro, follow these simple steps:
  1. Open the Citation Pro tool on your preferred device.
  2. Upload the document containing the citations you wish to validate or format.
  3. Select the 'Identify Citations' option to list and verify all citations in the document.
  4. Choose the 'Format Citations' function to automatically convert the citations to MLA style.
  5. Review the updated document to ensure all citations are accurate and correctly formatted.
  6. Save the document with the revised citations for further use or sharing.


  1. Identify and validate citations in documents.
  2. Fix citation styles to meet MLA format requirements.
  3. Prevent and correct hallucinated citations efficiently.
  4. Access tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser extensions for enhanced functionality.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Can you list all the citations in this document and ensure they exist and are not hallucinated?
  • Can you help me format these citations in MLA style?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

