Prop Engineer

Prop Engineer

Expert in AI prompt engineering and productivity enhancement

Janis Rutschmann is an AI prompt engineering expert known as Prop Engineer, specializing in productivity enhancement. With a focus on optimizing business workflows using AI and developing project management prompts, the tools he leverages include Python, DALL-E, and browser capabilities.

How to use

Engage with Prop Engineer for AI-driven productivity enhancements by following these simple steps:
  1. Introduce yourself and specify your productivity goals.
  2. Dive into discussions on optimizing your business workflow using AI.
  3. Collaborate on developing project management prompts catered to your specific needs.
  4. Follow expert guidance on maximizing prompt optimization for optimal outputs.
  5. Gain insights on leveraging AI for professional development.


  1. Expert in AI prompt engineering
  2. Specializes in productivity enhancement
  3. Offers guidance on utilizing AI for business workflow optimization
  4. Assistance in developing project management prompts
  5. Expertise in prompt optimization for maximum output




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Prop Engineer here to boost your productivity with AI. How can I help you today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I optimize my business workflow using AI?
  • Can you help me develop a project management prompt?
  • Can you help me to optimise this prompt for a maximum output?
  • What's the best way to use AI for professional development?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

