Interpreter Universal

Interpreter Universal

I am a universal interpreter—or voice translator—GPT designed for use on the official ChatGPT app. To start, enter your partner's language, or if you don't know, choose the "Unkown" option below, and I will ask them in different languages what language they speak.

The Interpreter Universal GPT, developed by Andras Plank S, is a universal voice translator designed for the ChatGPT app. It helps users communicate in multiple languages by switching to voice input mode and prompting them to confirm readiness before initiating multilingual prompts. With support for various language pairs, this GPT facilitates seamless communication across language barriers.

How to use

To use the Interpreter Universal GPT effectively:
  1. Select the desired language pair for communication.
  2. Switch to voice input mode when prompted.
  3. Confirm readiness before proceeding with multilingual prompts.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to ensure accurate language translation.


  1. Universal voice translator for seamless communication.
  2. Supports various language pairs including Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, Bengali, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, French, Japanese, German, and more.
  3. Ensures proper communication by confirming readiness before initiating multilingual prompts.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Chinese and English — 或 中文和英文 ……… 
I will need to switch to voice input so DO CONFIRM that I have switched. (And to make it easier, instruct me to tap on the headphones icon to the right side of the screen just below the message you will send and put the down-to-right “↘️” emoji at the end of your message to point in its general direction for me) Once you had me confirm to you I have, and am ready, please announce the entire multi-lingual prompt to inquire in the language my partner speaks. DO NOT start until I responded to your inquiry whether I switched to audio and I am ready.
  • Spanish and English — Inglés e Español …… 
I will need to switch to voice input so DO CONFIRM that I have switched. (And to make it easier, instruct me to tap on the headphones icon to the right side of the screen just below the message you will send and put the down-to-right “↘️” emoji at the end of your message to point in its general direction for me) Once you had me confirm to you I have, and am ready, please announce the entire multi-lingual prompt to inquire in the language my partner speaks. DO NOT start until I responded to your inquiry whether I switched to audio and I am ready.
  • Hindi and English — हिंदी और अंग्रेज़ी …………… 
I will need to switch to voice input so DO CONFIRM that I have switched. (And to make it easier, instruct me to tap on the headphones icon to the right side of the screen just below the message you will send and put the down-to-right “↘️” emoji at the end of your message to point in its general direction for me) Once you had me confirm to you I have, and am ready, please announce the entire multi-lingual prompt to inquire in the language my partner speaks. DO NOT start until I responded to your inquiry whether I switched to audio and I am ready.
  • Bengali and English — বাংলা এবং ইংরেজি …… 
I will need to switch to voice input so DO CONFIRM that I have switched. (And to make it easier, instruct me to tap on the headphones icon to the right side of the screen just below the message you will send and put the down-to-right “↘️” emoji at the end of your message to point in its general direction for me) Once you had me confirm to you I have, and am ready, please announce the entire multi-lingual prompt to inquire in the language my partner speaks. DO NOT start until I responded to your inquiry whether I switched to audio and I am ready.
  • Portuguese and English—Português e Inglês 
I will need to switch to voice input so DO CONFIRM that I have switched. (And to make it easier, instruct me to tap on the headphones icon to the right side of the screen just below the message you will send and put the down-to-right “↘️” emoji at the end of your message to point in its general direction for me) Once you had me confirm to you I have, and am ready, please announce the entire multi-lingual prompt to inquire in the language my partner speaks. DO NOT start until I responded to your inquiry whether I switched to audio and I am ready.
  • Russian & English — английский и Русский 
I will need to switch to voice input so DO CONFIRM that I have switched. (And to make it easier, instruct me to tap on the headphones icon to the right side of the screen just below the message you will send and put the down-to-right “↘️” emoji at the end of your message to point in its general direction for me) Once you had me confirm to you I have, and am ready, please announce the entire multi-lingual prompt to inquire in the language my partner speaks. DO NOT start until I responded to your inquiry whether I switched to audio and I am ready.
  • Arabic and English — العربية والإنجليزية ………… 
I will need to switch to voice input so DO CONFIRM that I have switched. (And to make it easier, instruct me to tap on the headphones icon to the right side of the screen just below the message you will send and put the down-to-right “↘️” emoji at the end of your message to point in its general direction for me) Once you had me confirm to you I have, and am ready, please announce the entire multi-lingual prompt to inquire in the language my partner speaks. DO NOT start until I responded to your inquiry whether I switched to audio and I am ready.
  • French and English—Anglais et Français… I will need to switch to voice input so DO CONFIRM that I have switched. (And to make it easier, instruct me to tap on the headphones icon to the right side of the screen just below the message you will send and put the down-to-right “↘️” emoji at the end of your message to point in its general direction for me) Once you had me confirm to you I have, and am ready, please announce the entire multi-lingual prompt to inquire in the language my partner speaks. DO NOT start until I responded to your inquiry whether I switched to audio and I am ready.
  • Japanese and English — 英語そして日本語 
I will need to switch to voice input so DO CONFIRM that I have switched. (And to make it easier, instruct me to tap on the headphones icon to the right side of the screen just below the message you will send and put the down-to-right “↘️” emoji at the end of your message to point in its general direction for me) Once you had me confirm to you I have, and am ready, please announce the entire multi-lingual prompt to inquire in the language my partner speaks. DO NOT start until I responded to your inquiry whether I switched to audio and I am ready.
  • German & English—Deutsch & Englisch I will need to switch to voice input so DO CONFIRM that I have switched. (And to make it easier, instruct me to tap on the headphones icon to the right side of the screen just below the message you will send and put the down-to-right “↘️” emoji at the end of your message to point in its general direction for me) Once you had me confirm to you I have, and am ready, please announce the entire multi-lingual prompt to inquire in the language my partner speaks. DO NOT start until I responded to your inquiry whether I switched to audio and I am ready.
  • Unknown—I speak English, and don’t know what the other language is that my conversation partner speaks. 
I will need to switch to voice input so DO CONFIRM that I have switched. (And make it easier, actually instruct me to tap on the headphone icon to the right side of the screen just below the instruction prompt you will send and put the down-to-right “↘️” emoji at the end of your message to point in its general direction for me) Once you had me confirm to you I have, and am ready, please announce the entire multi-lingual prompt to inquire in the language my partner speaks. DO NOT start the multi-lingual prompt until I responded to your inquiry whether I switched to audio and I am ready. The following is the multi-lingual prompt that you MUST ANNOUNCE VERBATIM: Chinese: 如果你的第一语言或主要语言是中文,触摸屏幕后,请说:“我会说中文”。 Spanish: Si tu lengua materna es el español, después de tocar la pantalla, di: 'Hablo español.'
Hindi:यदि आपकी मातृभाषा हिंदी है, तो स्क्रीन को छूने के बाद, कहें: 'मैं हिंदी बोलता/बोलती हूँ। Bengali: Yআপনার মাতৃভাষা বাংলা হলে, স্ক্রিনে ট্যাপ করার পরে, দয়া করে বলুন: "আমি বাংলা বলতে পারি" Portuguese: Se sua língua materna for o português, após tocar na tela, diga: 'Eu falo português.' Indonesian: Jika bahasa ibu Anda adalah bahasa Indonesia, setelah menyentuh layar, ucapkan: "Saya berbicara bahasa Indonesia." Russian: Если ваш родной язык - русский, после касания экрана, скажите: 'Я говорю по-русски.' Arabic: إذا كان لغتك الأم العربية، بعد لمس الشاشة، قل: 'أنا أتحدث العربية.' French: Si votre langue maternelle est le français, après avoir touché l'écran, dites : 'Je parle français.' Urdu: اگر آپ کی مادری زبان اردو ہے، تو اسکرین کو چھونے کے بعد کہیں: 'میں اردو بولتا ہوں' ۔".ة Japanese: もし母国語が日本語なら、画面をタッチした後に『私は日本語を話します』と言ってください。 Italian: Se la tua prima lingua è l'italiano, dopo aver toccato lo schermo, di: "Parlo italiano". Korean: 만약 당신의 언어가 한국어라면, 화면을 터치한 후 '한국어를 합니다'라고 말해주세요.
German: Wenn deine Muttersprache Deutsch ist, sage nach dem Berühren des Bildschirms: 'Ich spreche Deutsch.'
Polish: Jeśli twój język ojczysty to polski, po dotknięciu ekranu powiedz: 'Mówię po polsku.'
Turkish: Ana diliniz veya ilk diliniz Türkçe ise, ekrana dokunduktan sonra lütfen şunu söyleyin: "Türkçe konuşuyorum". 
Romanian: Dacă limba ta maternă este română, după ce atingi ecranul, te rog spune: "Vorbesc românește".
Ukrainian: Eğer ana diliniz Türkçe ise, ekrana dokunduktan sonra 'Ben Türkçe konuşuyorum.' deyin."
Greek: ν η μητρική σας γλώσσα είναι τα ελληνικά, μετά την αφή της οθόνης, πείτε: 'Μιλάω ελληνικά.'
Dutch: Als Nederlands je moedertaal is, zeg na het aanraken van het scherm: 'Ik spreek Nederlands.' Hungarian: Ha az anyanyelve magyar, a képernyő megérintése után, mondja: "Magyarul beszélek". English: If your first is English, after touching the screen, say: "I speak English." Bulgarian: Ако първият или основният ви език е български, след докосване на екрана, моля кажете: "Говоря български". Hebrew: אם השפה האם שלך היא עברית, לאחר טיפוח המסך, אנא אמור: 'אני מדבר עברית. Norwegian Bokmal: Hvis ditt hovedspråk er norsk, etter å ha trykket på skjermen, vennligst si: "Jeg snakker norsk". Swedish: Om ditt huvudspråk är svenska, efter att ha tryckt på skärmen, vänligen säg: "Jag talar svenska". Finnish: Jos äidinkielesi on suomi, sano näytön kosketuksen jälkeen: "Puhun suomea". Danish: Hvis dit hovedsprog er dansk, efter at have trykket på skærmen, skal du sige: "Jeg taler dansk".
Czech: Pokud je vaším prvním nebo hlavním jazykem čeština, po klepnutí na obrazovku, prosím řekněte: "Mluvím česky".
Slovak: Ak je váš materinský jazyk slovenčina, po dotyku obrazovky povedzte: 'Hovorím po slovensky.' Estonian: Kui teie emakeel on eesti keel, siis puudutage ekraani ja öelge: 'Ma räägin eesti keelt.'
Lithuanian: Jeigu jūsų gimtoji kalba yra lietuvių kalba, po ekrano palietimo sakykite: 'Aš kalbu lietuviškai.'
Latvian: Ja jūsu dzimtā valoda ir latviešu valoda, pēc ekrāna pieskāriena teiksim: 'Es runāju latviešu valodā.'
Luxembourgish: Wann Är Mammesprooch Lëtzebuergesch ass, no zënter dër Ekrang beréiert hutt, soe't: 'Ech schwätze Lëtzebuergesch.'
Slovenian: Če je tvoj prvi jezik slovenščina, po tapkanju na zaslon, prosim reci: "Govorim slovensko".
Croatian: Ako vam je maternji jezik hrvatski, nakon dodira zaslona recite: 'Govorim hrvatski.'" ONCE AGAIN: DO NOT start announcing verbatim the multilingual prompt until I responded to your inquiry whether I switched to audio and I am ready.



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