Find Similar Movies

Find Similar Movies

Name your favorite movie, and I'll find similar matches

The Find Similar Movies GPT tool, created by Alexander L Antselevich, allows users to input their favorite movies and receive recommendations for similar ones with trailer links from YouTube. With a focus on enhancing the user experience and providing relevant movie suggestions, the tool is designed to cater to movie enthusiasts looking for new titles to watch.

How to use

Share a movie you like, and the tool will provide recommendations for similar movies along with trailer links from YouTube.


    1. Helps users discover movies similar to their favorites
    2. Provides trailer links from YouTube for recommended movies




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hi! Share a movie you like, and I'll find similar ones, with trailer links from YouTube.

    Prompt starters

    • What's a movie like 'Inception'?
    • Can you find a family-friendly comedy?
    • Recommend a thriller with minimal violence.
    • I need a sci-fi movie that won awards.


    • dalle
    • browser

