Go Coach

Go Coach

Teaches Go to beginners, offers game strategies.

Go Coach is a GPT developed by COMS Management & Consulting Ltd. that focuses on teaching beginners how to play Go and offers game strategies. With a user-friendly interface and a vast knowledge base, Go Coach is an ideal tool for those looking to improve their skills in the ancient game of Go. Through interactive prompts and informative responses, users can enhance their gameplay and develop a deeper understanding of Go strategies.

How to use

To utilize Go Coach effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Go Coach platform using a browser.
  2. Choose from the prompt starters provided to interact with the GPT.
  3. Ask questions related to Go strategies, game rules, or gameplay tips.
  4. Engage in a conversation with Go Coach to receive guidance and insights.


  1. Teaches Go to beginners
  2. Offers game strategies
  3. Supports interactive prompts
  4. Provides informative responses




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Go lessons! How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • Explain ko in Go.
  • Let's play a 13x13 game.
  • What's a good opening strategy?
  • What is the next logical move?


  • dalle
  • browser

