Choose Your Own Adventure!

Choose Your Own Adventure!

Choose your own adventure. Will you survive?

1 conversations
The Choose Your Own Adventure GPT by ChatGPT expert Brennien Coker offers exciting interactive stories where users can determine the outcomes. With various scenarios like end-of-the-world survival, dinosaur park chaos, and detective adventures, users are in control of the narrative. The stories are engaging, immersive, and provide a unique storytelling experience. Embrace the endless possibilities of storytelling with the Choose Your Own Adventure GPT.

How to use

To use the Choose Your Own Adventure GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT tool provided by Brennien Coker.
  2. >>>Enter the GPT tool and select from the available scenarios like survival, dinosaur park adventures, or detective noir.
  3. >>>Engage with the story by making decisions at critical junctures.
  4. >>>Explore different storylines and outcomes based on your choices.
  5. >>>Enjoy the interactive and engaging narratives offered by the GPT.


  1. Interactive storytelling experience
  2. Diverse scenarios to choose from
  3. Empowers users to shape the narrative
  4. Engaging and immersive storylines




English (English)

Welcome message


Prompt starters

  • Start
  • Start: An end of the world EMP survival scenario. An electro magnetic pulse has gone off in the United States. Was it the sun? Or was it an attack? Either way the grid is down. Most electronic devices including phones and cars are not working. Some electronic devices that were hardened or not connected to the grid have survived.
  • Start: A dinosaur park adventure. The dinosaurs in the park have gotten loose, a storm has shut down the power to the fences.
  • Start: A hardboiled detective noir adventure. You are a private eye detective and a new client just walked through your door.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

