App Mentor

App Mentor

App Development Guide and Coder

App Mentor by Mohammed Alshammari is an insightful app development guide designed for those looking to improve their app ideas, step up their app design, and code innovative app features. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise, App Mentor provides valuable assistance in the realm of app development.

How to use

Hello! Ready to work on your app?
  1. Engage with the chatbot by asking relevant questions related to app development
  2. Utilize the provided prompt starters to seek guidance on topics such as starting an app, improving app ideas, designing app features, or coding features
  3. Incorporate the listed tools like DALL-E and the browser for enhanced functionality


  1. Comprehensive app development guidance
  2. Insightful tips for improving app ideas
  3. Step-by-step assistance for app design
  4. Innovative coding tips and tricks




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to work on your app?

Prompt starters

  • How do I start my app?
  • Improve my app idea
  • Step for app design
  • Code an app feature


  • dalle
  • browser

