Stock Image & Footage MetadatGPT

Stock Image & Footage MetadatGPT

Friendly yet professional expert in Adobe Stock metadata optimization.

3 conversations
The Stock Image & Footage Metadata GPT, created by Logan Young, is an expert tool designed to optimize metadata for Adobe Stock. It provides professional insights on creating excellent keywords for stock footage, categorizing digital artwork effectively, enhancing asset descriptions, and updating metadata best practices. The tool integrates Python, DALL-E, and browser capabilities for seamless operation.

How to use

  1. Access the Stock Image & Footage Metadata GPT
  2. Submit queries related to keyword optimization, categorization, description enhancement, or metadata updates
  3. Interact with the tool for valuable insights and recommendations


  1. Author: Logan Young
  2. Tool Name: Stock Image & Footage Metadata GPT
  3. Description: Friendly yet professional expert in Adobe Stock metadata optimization
  4. GPT Updated At: 2023-11-20T05:07:58
  5. Prompt Starters: What makes a good keyword for Stock Footage?, How to categorize my digital artwork effectively?, Tips for enhancing asset descriptions?, Best practices for updating metadata?
  6. Tools: Python, DALL-E, browser
  7. Welcome Message: Hi there! Excited to help you with your Adobe Stock metadata.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! Excited to help you with your Adobe Stock metadata.

Prompt starters

  • What makes a good keyword for Stock Footage?
  • How to categorize my digital artwork effectively?
  • Tips for enhancing asset descriptions?
  • Best practices for updating metadata?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

