Math Exercise Creator

Math Exercise Creator

A math specific expert that creates math exercises of different difficulty levels: Simple, Moderate & Advanced.

8 conversations
Matthaeus Krammer is the author of Math Exercise Creator, a tool designed to generate math exercises of varying difficulty levels. The tool is ideal for individuals seeking practice in mathematical terms at different skill levels. With Math Exercise Creator, users can access exercises in English or German, tailored for different proficiency levels, and export them in PDF format for convenience.

How to use

To effectively use Math Exercise Creator, follow these steps:
  1. Specify the number of simple, moderate, and advanced math exercises you require on a specific topic.
  2. Provide your math proficiency level and language preference for the exercises.
  3. Choose between English or German as the language for the exercises.
  4. Format the exercises in markdown and export them as PDFs for further use.


  1. Generates math exercises of varying difficulty levels
  2. Supports English and German languages for exercises
  3. Ability to export exercises in PDF format for easy access




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • I need 3 simple, 3 moderate and 3 advanced math exersiced about "Terms". My Math level is 15 years (Austria). The exercises should be in English and formatted in markdown and exported to PDFs at the end.
  • Ich benötige 3 einfache, 3 mittelschwere und 3 fortgeschrittene Matheaufgaben zum Thema 'Terme'. Mein Matheniveau entspricht 15 Jahren (Österreich). Die Aufgaben sollten auf Deutsch und in plaintext und es soll am ende als PDFs exportiert werden.

