English Tutor

English Tutor

A specialized AI for crafting undetectable, human-like school essays.

English Tutor is a specialized AI tool developed by I Am Corporation Kft for crafting undetectable, human-like school essays. It offers prompt starters for various essay topics such as history, environmental sustainability, Shakespeare's influence, and modern art trends. The tool uses models like DALL-E and a browser interface to assist users in writing essays effectively and efficiently.

How to use

Hello! I'm EssayCraft, ready to help you write your essay. What's your topic?


    1. A specialized AI for crafting school essays
    2. Offers prompt starters for essay topics
    3. Uses models like DALL-E and a browser interface for assistance




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hello! I'm EssayCraft, ready to help you write your essay. What's your topic?

    Prompt starters

    • Can you help me write an essay about the history of computers?
    • I need an essay on environmental sustainability.
    • Could you write a short essay on Shakespeare's influence?
    • Please assist me in writing an essay on modern art trends.


    • dalle
    • browser

