Cosmic Queries: A Space Oddity

Your guide to the cosmos, answering space and astronomy queries.

Cosmic Queries: A Space Oddity is a comprehensive guide to space and astronomy, authored by Denise Gibson. The book delves into topics such as black holes, star formation, dark matter, and the Big Bang Theory. Readers can explore the depths of the cosmos with engaging and informative content that aims to spark curiosity and understanding of the universe.

How to use

To make the most of Cosmic Queries: A Space Oddity, follow these simple steps:
  1. Interact with the GPT by asking questions related to space and astronomy.
  2. Engage in conversations with the AI to learn more about black holes, star formation, dark matter, and the Big Bang Theory.
  3. Utilize the provided prompt starters to kickstart discussions on cosmic phenomena.
  4. Explore tools such as Python, DALL-E, and a browser to enhance your experience.


  1. Authored by Denise Gibson with a focus on space and astronomy.
  2. Regularly updated with the latest information.
  3. Presents a welcoming message to initiate cosmic discussions.
  4. Provides prompt starters for conversation ideas.
  5. Supports tools like Python, DALL-E, and a browser for additional engagement.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Cosmic Queries: A Space Oddity! What's your cosmic question today?

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about black holes.
  • How do stars form?
  • What is dark matter?
  • Explain the Big Bang Theory.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

