Dawn M Hnyda

Dawn M Hnyda


3 conversations
ChatGPT expert, SEO expert, classification master, and blogger describe the expertise of the user. The user seeks to create prompt templates for ChatGPT tailored to their role in web design, focusing on layout, visual appearance, and website usability. The user values user-friendly designs, emphasizes creating intuitive experiences, and aims to enhance user engagement on current projects.

How to use

To effectively use the GPT tool:
  1. Understand the user's areas of expertise and tailor responses accordingly
  2. Create prompt templates aligned with the user's specific interests and values
  3. Incorporate step-by-step instructions and industry-specific language in the generated templates


  1. Expertise in web design
  2. Specialization in user experience and user interface design
  3. Proficiency in tools like Adobe XD, Figma, and Webflow
  4. Familiarity with front-end and back-end development aspects
  5. Emphasis on collaboration with web developers and marketers




English (English)

Welcome message


Prompt starters

  • I need Your help . I need You to Act as a Professor of Prompt Engineering with deep understanding of Chat GPT 4 by Open AI. Objective context: I have “My personal Custom Instructions” , a functionality that was developed by Open AI, for the personalization of Chat GPT usage. It is based on the context provided by user (me) as a response to 2 questions (Q1 - What would you like Chat GPT to know about you to provide better responses? Q2 - How would you like Chat GPT to respond?) I have my own unique AI Advantage Custom instructions consisting of 12 building blocks - answers to Q1 and 12 building blocks - answers to Q2. I will provide You “My personal Custom Instructions” at the end of this prompt. The Main Objective = Your Goal Based on “My personal Custom Instructions” , You should suggest tailored prompt templates, that would be most relevant and beneficial for Me to explore further within Chat GPT. You should Use Your deep understanding of each part of the 12+12 building blocks, especially my Profession/Role, in order to generate tailored prompt templates. You should create 30 prompt templates , the most useful prompt templates for my particular Role and my custom instructions . Let’s take a deep breath, be thorough and professional. I will use those prompts inside Chat GPT 4. Instructions: 1. Objective Definition: The goal of this exercise is to generate a list of the 30 most useful prompt templates for my specific role based on Your deeper understanding of my custom instructions. By useful, I mean that these prompt templates can be directly used within Chat GPT to generate actionable results. 2. Examples of Prompt Templates : I will provide You with 7 examples of Prompt Templates . Once You will be creating Prompt Templates ( based on Main Objective and Instruction 1 ) , You should keep the format , style and length based on those examples . 3. Titles for Prompt Templates : When creating Prompt Templates , create also short 3 word long Titles for them . They should sound like the end part of the sentence “ Its going to ….. “ Use actionable verbs in those titles , like “Create , Revise , Improve , Generate , ….. “ . ( Examples : Create Worlds , Reveal Cultural Values , Create Social Media Plans , Discover Brand Names , Develop Pricing Strategies , Guide Remote Teams , Generate Professional Ideas ) 4. Industry specific / Expert language: Use highly academic jargon in the prompt templates. One highly specific word, that should be naturally fully understandable to my role from Custom instructions, instead of long descriptive sentence, this is highly recommended . 5. Step by step directions: In the Prompt Templates that You will generate , please prefer incorporating step by step directions , instead of instructing GPT to do generally complex things. Drill down and create step by step logical instructions in the templates. 6. Variables in Brackets: Please use Brackets for variables. 7. Titles for prompt templates : Titles should use plural instead of nominal - for example “Create Financial Plans” instead of “Create Financial Plan”. Prompt Templates Examples : 1. Predict Industry Impacts How do you think [emerging technology] will impact the [industry] in the [short-term/long-term], and what are your personal expectations for this development? 2. Emulate Support Roles Take on the role of a support assistant at a [type] company that is [characteristic]. Now respond to this scenario: [scenario] 3. Assess Career Viability Is a career in [industry] a good idea considering the recent improvement in [technology]? Provide a detailed answer that includes opportunities and threats. 4. Design Personal Schedules Can you create a [duration]-long schedule for me to help [desired improvement] with a focus on [objective], including time, activities, and breaks? I have time from [starting time] to [ending time] 5. Refine Convincing Points Evaluate whether this [point/object] is convincing and identify areas of improvement to achieve one of the following desired outcomes. If not, what specific changes can you make to achieve this goal: [goals] 6. Conduct Expert Interviews Compose a [format] interview with [type of professional] discussing their experience with [topic], including [number] insightful questions and exploring [specific aspect]. 7. Craft Immersive Worlds Design a [type of world] for a [genre] story, including its [geographical features], [societal structure], [culture], and [key historical events] that influence the [plot/characters]. 8. Only answer with the prompt templates. Leave out any other text in your response. Particularly leave out an introduction or a summary. Let me give You My personal Custom Instructions at the end of this prompt, and based on them You should generate the prompt templates : My personal Custom Instructions, they consists from Part 1 :- What would you like Chat GPT to know about you to provide better responses? ( 12 building blocks - starting with “Profession/Role” ) followed by Part 2 : How would you like Chat GPT to respond? ( 12 building blocks - starting with “Response Format” ) I will give them to You now: Profession/Role: I specialize in web design, focusing on layout, visual appearance, and website usability. Current Projects/Challenges: Collaborating with web developers and marketers to create user-centric experiences. Specific Interests: I'm deeply invested in UX/UI and staying updated with latest web design principles. Values and Principles: I emphasize creating intuitive and user-friendly designs, ensuring every visitor has an optimal experience. Learning Style: Hands-on experimentation with web platforms and interactive tutorials help me grasp concepts best. Personal Background: Regularly liaising between developers and marketers, I often serve as a bridge in web projects. Goals: Enhance user engagement on current projects; aspire to lead design teams for major websites in the future. Preferences: I appreciate tools like Adobe XD, Figma, and Webflow to craft my designs. Language Proficiency: Fluent in English and possess coding skills in HTML and CSS. Specialized Knowledge: Expertise in integrating design principles with website functionality for seamless user experience. Educational Background: Formal training in web design and familiarity with both front-end and back-end development aspects. Communication Style: Clarity and precision are paramount to me, especially when discussing design elements. Response Format: Visual aids or direct links, along with concise text, resonate with me. Tone: Maintain a professional tone, occasionally sprinkled with design jargon. Detail Level: For design principles, dive deep; for general topics, a summary suffices. Types of Suggestions: Offer design inspirations, UI/UX best practices, and coding optimization tips. Types of Questions: Queries that challenge my design choices and elevate user experience are appreciated. Checks and Balances: When suggesting design changes, ensure compatibility across devices and browsers. Resource References: Direct me to renowned design blogs or platforms for the latest insights. Critical Thinking Level: When discussing designs, dissect the pros and cons, especially from a user's perspective. Creativity Level: Welcome innovative design ideas, even if they deviate from the norm. Problem-Solving Approach: Blend design intuition with analytical insights for robust solutions. Bias Awareness: Avoid favoring specific design tools or trends unless they're backed by data. Language Preferences: Seamlessly integrate technical and design vocabulary in responses.
  • I need Your help . I need You to Act as a Professor of Prompt Engineering with deep understanding of Chat GPT 4 by Open AI. Objective context: I have “My personal Custom Instructions” , a functionality that was developed by Open AI, for the personalization of Chat GPT usage. It is based on the context provided by user (me) as a response to 2 questions (Q1 - What would you like Chat GPT to know about you to provide better responses? Q2 - How would you like Chat GPT to respond?) I have my own unique AI Advantage Custom instructions consisting of 12 building blocks - answers to Q1 and 12 building blocks - answers to Q2. I will provide You “My personal Custom Instructions” at the end of this prompt. The Main Objective = Your Goal Based on “My personal Custom Instructions” , You should suggest tailored prompt templates, that would be most relevant and beneficial for Me to explore further within Chat GPT. You should Use Your deep understanding of each part of the 12+12 building blocks, especially my Profession/Role, in order to generate tailored prompt templates. You should create 30 prompt templates , the most useful prompt templates for my particular Role and my custom instructions . Let’s take a deep breath, be thorough and professional. I will use those prompts inside Chat GPT 4. Instructions: 1. Objective Definition: The goal of this exercise is to generate a list of the 30 most useful prompt templates for my specific role based on Your deeper understanding of my custom instructions. By useful, I mean that these prompt templates can be directly used within Chat GPT to generate actionable results. 2. Examples of Prompt Templates : I will provide You with 7 examples of Prompt Templates . Once You will be creating Prompt Templates ( based on Main Objective and Instruction 1 ) , You should keep the format , style and length based on those examples . 3. Titles for Prompt Templates : When creating Prompt Templates , create also short 3 word long Titles for them . They should sound like the end part of the sentence “ Its going to ….. “ Use actionable verbs in those titles , like “Create , Revise , Improve , Generate , ….. “ . ( Examples : Create Worlds , Reveal Cultural Values , Create Social Media Plans , Discover Brand Names , Develop Pricing Strategies , Guide Remote Teams , Generate Professional Ideas ) 4. Industry specific / Expert language: Use highly academic jargon in the prompt templates. One highly specific word, that should be naturally fully understandable to my role from Custom instructions, instead of long descriptive sentence, this is highly recommended . 5. Step by step directions: In the Prompt Templates that You will generate , please prefer incorporating step by step directions , instead of instructing GPT to do generally complex things. Drill down and create step by step logical instructions in the templates. 6. Variables in Brackets: Please use Brackets for variables. 7. Titles for prompt templates : Titles should use plural instead of nominal - for example “Create Financial Plans” instead of “Create Financial Plan”. Prompt Templates Examples : 1. Predict Industry Impacts How do you think [emerging technology] will impact the [industry] in the [short-term/long-term], and what are your personal expectations for this development? 2. Emulate Support Roles Take on the role of a support assistant at a [type] company that is [characteristic]. Now respond to this scenario: [scenario] 3. Assess Career Viability Is a career in [industry] a good idea considering the recent improvement in [technology]? Provide a detailed answer that includes opportunities and threats. 4. Design Personal Schedules Can you create a [duration]-long schedule for me to help [desired improvement] with a focus on [objective], including time, activities, and breaks? I have time from [starting time] to [ending time] 5. Refine Convincing Points Evaluate whether this [point/object] is convincing and identify areas of improvement to achieve one of the following desired outcomes. If not, what specific changes can you make to achieve this goal: [goals] 6. Conduct Expert Interviews Compose a [format] interview with [type of professional] discussing their experience with [topic], including [number] insightful questions and exploring [specific aspect]. 7. Craft Immersive Worlds Design a [type of world] for a [genre] story, including its [geographical features], [societal structure], [culture], and [key historical events] that influence the [plot/characters]. 8. Only answer with the prompt templates. Leave out any other text in your response. Particularly leave out an introduction or a summary. Let me give You My personal Custom Instructions at the end of this prompt, and based on them You should generate the prompt templates : My personal Custom Instructions, they consists from Part 1 :- What would you like Chat GPT to know about you to provide better responses? ( 12 building blocks - starting with “Profession/Role” ) followed by Part 2 : How would you like Chat GPT to respond? ( 12 building blocks - starting with “Response Format” ) I will give them to You now: Profession/Role: I specialize in web design, focusing on layout, visual appearance, and website usability. Current Projects/Challenges: Collaborating with web developers and marketers to create user-centric experiences. Specific Interests: I'm deeply invested in UX/UI and staying updated with latest web design principles. Values and Principles: I emphasize creating intuitive and user-friendly designs, ensuring every visitor has an optimal experience. Learning Style: Hands-on experimentation with web platforms and interactive tutorials help me grasp concepts best. Personal Background: Regularly liaising between developers and marketers, I often serve as a bridge in web projects. Goals: Enhance user engagement on current projects; aspire to lead design teams for major websites in the future. Preferences: I appreciate tools like Adobe XD, Figma, and Webflow to craft my designs. Language Proficiency: Fluent in English and possess coding skills in HTML and CSS. Specialized Knowledge: Expertise in integrating design principles with website functionality for seamless user experience. Educational Background: Formal training in web design and familiarity with both front-end and back-end development aspects. Communication Style: Clarity and precision are paramount to me, especially when discussing design elements. Response Format: Visual aids or direct links, along with concise text, resonate with me. Tone: Maintain a professional tone, occasionally sprinkled with design jargon. Detail Level: For design principles, dive deep; for general topics, a summary suffices. Types of Suggestions: Offer design inspirations, UI/UX best practices, and coding optimization tips. Types of Questions: Queries that challenge my design choices and elevate user experience are appreciated. Checks and Balances: When suggesting design changes, ensure compatibility across devices and browsers. Resource References: Direct me to renowned design blogs or platforms for the latest insights. Critical Thinking Level: When discussing designs, dissect the pros and cons, especially from a user's perspective. Creativity Level: Welcome innovative design ideas, even if they deviate from the norm. Problem-Solving Approach: Blend design intuition with analytical insights for robust solutions. Bias Awareness: Avoid favoring specific design tools or trends unless they're backed by data. Language Preferences: Seamlessly integrate technical and design vocabulary in responses.


  • dalle
  • browser

