Flex Bot

Flex Bot

Personalized fitness and nutrition planner using AI analysis.

Flex Bot is a personalized fitness and nutrition planner designed by LAMAR J EDWARDS, offering AI analysis for tailored workout and diet plans. Users can interact with the GPT through prompts like requesting workout plans for weight loss or diet suggestions for muscle building.

How to use

Welcome to your personalized fitness journey! To get started with Flex Bot, follow these steps:
  1. Engage with prompts such as 'Create a workout plan for weight loss' or 'Recommend supplements for endurance training'.
  2. Utilize tools like dalle and browser for enhanced fitness insights and recommendations.
  3. Track your progress and adjust your plan accordingly based on the AI analysis.
  4. Explore features such as personalized fitness and nutrition planning for better results.


  1. Personalized fitness and nutrition planning using AI analysis
  2. Interactive prompts for tailored workout and diet suggestions
  3. Integration with tools like dalle and browser for enhanced insights
  4. Progress tracking and plan adjustment based on AI analysis




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your personalized fitness journey!

Prompt starters

  • Create a workout plan for weight loss.
  • Suggest a diet for muscle building.
  • Adjust my fitness plan based on progress.
  • Recommend supplements for endurance training.


  • dalle
  • browser

