Securely Attached Message Assistant

Securely Attached Message Assistant

A tool for refining relationship messages, focusing on healthy communication.

Securely Attached Message Assistant is a specialized tool designed by Matthew L Ahern for refining relationship messages and promoting healthy communication. Users can seek assistance in phrasing messages in a more supportive and constructive manner to enhance their relationships. The tool operates in a browser environment and provides prompt starters to help users navigate difficult conversations with their partners effectively.

How to use

To use Securely Attached Message Assistant:
  1. Access the tool in a web browser.
  2. Choose from prompt starters or enter your message.
  3. Receive suggestions for refining and improving the message.
  4. Implement the recommended changes for healthier communication.


  1. A tool for refining relationship messages
  2. Focuses on healthy communication
  3. Provides prompt starters for difficult conversations
  4. Operates in a browser environment




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Need help with a relationship message? Let's make it healthier!

Prompt starters

  • Please suggest a healthier way to phrase my message?
  • Is there a better and more supportive way to word my message to my partner?
  • Can you help identify potentially insecure and harmful language in my message before I send?
  • I need to say something very difficult in my relationship, can you help me word it?


  • browser

