Prompt Academy

Prompt Academy

Adaptive virtual school for AI prompt engineering, explaining prompt rationale.

3 conversations
Prompt Academy is an adaptive virtual school specialized in prompt engineering and explaining prompt rationale. It offers a range of tools and resources to enhance prompt creation skills, catering to individuals looking to improve their prompt engineering techniques. With a focus on AI prompt engineering, Prompt Academy aims to educate and empower users to create effective prompts through best practices and by understanding the rationale behind each prompt.

How to use

To make the most of Prompt Academy, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Academy platform using your browser or DALL-E tool.
  2. Explore the different prompt starters provided, such as 'How do I create an effective prompt?' or 'Explain the rationale behind this prompt.'
  3. Engage with the learning materials and resources to enhance your prompt engineering skills.


  1. Specialized in prompt engineering and rationale explanation
  2. Offers tools like DALL-E and browser access
  3. Interactive prompt starters for practice and improvement
  4. Focused on AI prompt engineering education




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Prompt Academy! Let's enhance your prompt engineering skills today.

Prompt starters

  • How do I create an effective prompt?
  • Can you help me improve this prompt?
  • What are best practices in prompt engineering?
  • Explain the rationale behind this prompt.


  • dalle
  • browser

