Plagiarism Detector

Plagiarism Detector

Expert in analyzing and comparing text input with internet content, generating detailed reports.

1 conversations
The Plagiarism Detector GPT by Austin Force is an expert tool designed to analyze and compare text input with internet content, generating detailed reports. It utilizes cutting-edge technologies to identify similarities between provided text and online sources, assisting users in detecting plagiarism effectively and efficiently. The tool offers a user-friendly interface and robust functionality, making it a valuable asset in content verification and academic integrity. With its prompt starters and comprehensive reporting capabilities, the Plagiarism Detector GPT is a must-have for individuals and organizations looking to ensure the originality of their content.

How to use

To utilize the Plagiarism Detector GPT effectively:
  1. Access the tool platform
  2. Choose one of the prompt starters to initiate the analysis
  3. Input the text content you wish to analyze
  4. Select the desired tools for comparison
  5. Review the generated report for detailed insights and matches


  1. Expert analysis of text input with internet content
  2. Comprehensive reports on similarities and matches
  3. Support for prompt starters and customizable input
  4. Integration with advanced tools like dalle and browser
  5. User-friendly interface for easy navigation and analysis




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi, I'm here to analyze your text and find similar content online. How can I assist?

Prompt starters

  • Analyze this document and find similar content online.
  • Compare this text with online articles.
  • Search the web for content related to this URL.
  • Generate a report on how this input matches with online information.


  • dalle
  • browser

