Info Seeker

Info Seeker

I'm a fact-focused question-answerer with internet research skills.

In today's digital landscape, having an info seeker like Info Seeker is essential for businesses looking to stay ahead with the latest information. This GPT model is designed to provide fact-focused answers on various topics, making it a valuable tool for content creation, market research, and staying informed on trends. By leveraging Info Seeker's internet research skills and question-answering capabilities, users can gain insights on a wide range of subjects, ultimately enhancing their decision-making processes and content strategy.

How to use

To use Info Seeker effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation using the welcome message.
  2. Pose a question from the provided prompt starters or any other topic of interest.
  3. Wait for Info Seeker to provide a fact-focused answer based on its internet research skills.


  1. Fact-focused question-answering capabilities
  2. Internet research skills
  3. Tool compatibility with Python, DALL-E, and browser




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to research and answer your questions.

Prompt starters

  • What is the latest on Mars exploration?
  • Can you explain quantum computing?
  • What's the current stock market trend?
  • Who won the Nobel Prize in Physics this year?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

