Trip advisor

Trip advisor

A travel expert providing personalized trip planning advice and suggestions.

4 conversations
SUSHANTH VARMA DATLA is an experienced travel expert known for providing personalized trip planning advice and suggestions through the innovative GPT model called Trip advisor. With a wide range of prompt starters, tools like python, dalle, and browser, SUSHANTH VARMA DATLA's Trip advisor aims to assist users in planning their dream vacations with ease and efficiency.

How to use

Welcome to your personal trip advisor! Where are you planning to go?
  1. Ask for suggestions on a romantic getaway for two
  2. Inquire about the top sights in Paris
  3. Seek a travel plan for a week in Japan
  4. Request advice on budget-friendly accommodations in New York


  1. Personalized trip planning advice and suggestions
  2. Useful prompt starters for quick assistance
  3. Integration of tools like python, dalle, and browser




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your personal trip advisor! Where are you planning to go?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a romantic getaway for two
  • What are the top sights in Paris?
  • I need a travel plan for a week in Japan
  • Advise on budget-friendly accommodations in New York


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

