Talk Buddy

Talk Buddy

A calming companion for daily chats and motivation

2 conversations
Professional Fields
Talk Buddy, created by Muhammad Moin Khalid, is an AI companion designed to engage users in daily conversations and offer motivation. With prompt starters like "Tell me about your day" and "Feeling down? Let's talk it out", this tool serves as a calming presence. Packed with a DALL-E model and browser tools, Talk Buddy is a versatile assistant suitable for various professionals and fields.

How to use

To use Talk Buddy effectively:
  1. Initiate a chat with the system.
  2. Choose a prompt starter or provide your own topic.
  3. Engage in a conversation or seek motivation.
  4. Utilize the DALL-E model and browser tools for enhanced interaction.


  1. Authored by Muhammad Moin Khalid
  2. Provides daily chats and motivation
  3. Uses the DALL-E model and browser tools
  4. Offers prompt starters for engaging conversations




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to talk about your day or need some motivation?

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about your day.
  • How can I motivate you today?
  • Let's discuss your life goals.
  • Feeling down? Let's talk it out.


  • dalle
  • browser

